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Woolf fans celebrate Wavesday today

I sure wish I could be in Fort Collins, Colo., today for the day-long community reading of Virginia Woolf’s 1931 masterpiece The Waves.

Today is the first annual international Wavesday, which is modeled on Bloomsday, the event held in Dublin on June 16 each year to celebrate James Joyce’s novel Ulysses. Organizers differentiate the Woolf event by saying it will have “less early-morning boozing and more grammatical coherence.”

Wavesday begins at 9 a.m. and runs until evening. During that time, The Waves will be read in its entirety at nine locations, one for each section of the novel. The day will end with a potluck feast in the late evening.

A special thanks to Blogging Woolf reader Roberta Rubenstein for sharing this news. She was in Fort Collins on Sunday but wasn’t able to stay for Wavesday.

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