
Archive for November 13th, 2013

The literature of the 1930s, commonly characterized as anti-modernist because of the prevalence of documentary realism, political purpose, and autobiographically-inflected fiction, bears witness to Woolf’s most daring — The Waves (1931) and most commercially successful — The Years (1937)VWM Queering Woolf–  novels.

This issue of the Virginia Woolf Miscellany seeks contributions that explore Woolf’s relationship to the canonical literature of the 1930s, such as but not limited to: Auden’s poetry, Isherwood’s Berlin fiction, Auden’s and Isherwood’s plays, Spender’s commentary, and Waugh’s comedic novels.

In addition, this issue encourages responses to the following questions:

  • How does Woolf scholarship, if at all, engage with the critical study of 1930s literature?
  • How does Woolf’s modernism disrupt or complement the critical understanding of 1930s literature?
  • What can Woolf’s late fiction and essays reveal about the 1930s and its literature that the common scholarly narrative conceals or overlooks?

A note on submissions: We think, read, and work intertextually. With that in mind, I encourage potential contributors to engage with their previous publications if they are, in fact, related to their submission. Footnote or reference in text any previous life a paper may have had; that will only enrich our conversation, not detract from it. We are all involved in the ongoing and evolving conversation about Woolf; let’s celebrate that intertextual evolution.

Send submissions of no more than 2,500 words to: Erica Gene Delsandro, ericadelsandro@gmail.com

Deadline for submissions: Aug. 1, 2014

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